
SSAB fossil-free steel to enable new generation of Manitou sustainable products

SSAB will begin deliveries of the new products in 2026.

SSAB, a specialised global steel company that develops high-strength steels and services for better performance and sustainability, has signed a letter of intent to supply its environmentally-friendly products with Manitou Group (Manitou), a world reference in the handling, aerial work platforms and earth moving sectors

Already a supplier to Manitou, the two entities are deepening their relationship by adding future deliveries of SSAB Fossil-free and SSAB Zero steel. Both steel types generate less than 0.05 kg CO2 emissions per kg of steel in scope 1 and scope 2 as they are produced and will allow Manitou to bring a new generation of products to the market with a radically reduced carbon footprint.

“We’re excited about adding Manitou as a fossil-free partner to SSAB,” remarked Olavi Huhtala, executive VP & head of SSAB Europe. “Our goal is to revolutionise the way steel is produced and pave the way for a greener future. Thanks to customers like Manitou who share our ambition of reducing carbon emissions, we’re able to create early markets for sustainable steel.”

Indeed, SSAB holds a vision of transforming the entire steelmaking process and, by 2026, has set a target to become the first company offering emission-free steel to the market at commercial scale. The agreement with Manitou is another step in this journey and deliveries of the fossil-free products will be begin in 2026 as SSAB production capacity increases. It also represents a notable milestone in Manitou’s green journey with the company aiming to reduce its direct and indirect carbon emissions by 46.3% and its CO2 emissions for every hour of use of the machines by 33.7% by 2030.

Maurizio Achilli, VP sourcing at Manitou, declared, “We work every day closely with our suppliers to reduce our indirect carbon emissions and offer more sustainable products to our customers. This collaboration with SSAB is very important for us as steel represents the main raw material for our products.”

SSAB products appear to be in high demand as Manitou is not the only company also making use of the fossil-free products.

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