
Algeria installs Himoinsa generator sets for new water treatment plant

(Image source: Himoinsa)

The generator installed has an uninterrupted running time of 48 hours, thanks to an external 20,000-litre tank and a redundant transfer system that guarantees the plants power supply in the event of a mains failure

The wastewater treatment plant in the new city of Ali Mendjeli, in Constantine (Algeria), purifies 4,200 cubic metres of water per hour. It serves a population of 260,000 and a large proportion of the purified water is reused for agricultural irrigation. To ensure that the plant can run in the event of a mains failure, the Algerian Ministry of the Environment, through SICE, member of the ACS Group, has installed an Himoinsa generator set to provide emergency power. 

According to Azeddine Yekhlef, regional director of the Algerian Ministry; “it's very important to have a specialised and professional local service to carry out maintenance and repairs on the generator sets. The machines work constantly, so we need them to be in perfect condition when they are required.”

The model installed is the HTW-1530 T5, fitted with a Mitsubishi engine, and capable of supplying up to 1660kVA of stand-by power. In addition, it has a large external tank with a 20,000-litre capacity, which gives the generator enough running time to work for 48 hours. 

To ensure it works smoothly during this time, a redundant transfer system has been installed to transfer fuel from the external tank to the generator. The pumps have been programmed with a start-up delay, so that if the first pump does not start up, the second is already full and ready to transfer fuel to the generator.

Javier Vecino, Hydraulic Infrastructure Manager at SICE, stated; “We chose HIMOINSA because of how they compared in technical and economic terms. We needed a first-class generator, with a combustion engine, and local service that was also very much appreciated by the customer.”

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