
World Bank approves funds for Burkina Faso power sector

The World Bank credit will fund major power sector projects and support the Burkina Faso government’s strategy for growth and development. (Image source: Ashwin John/Flickr)

The World Bank has approved a US$50mn International Development Association (IDA) credit to support Burkina Fasos efforts to improve electricity supply in the West African nation

The funds will also aim to increase electricity access and spread the use of renewable energy sources in rural areas.

Burkina Faso World Bank country director Mercy Miyang Tembon said, “Burkina Faso has made steady strides in developing its electricity capacity and connecting people in cities and rural areas to power.

“We are happy to continue supporting the government’s efforts to improve its energy security, so that poor people can have increased access to education and jobs and benefit more from economic growth.”

A World Bank statement claimed that the credit will fund major power sector projects and support the government’s strategy for growth and sustainable development for 2011-2015.

The project will include the construction of two turnkey power stations of at least 7.5MW each in the cities of Fada N'gourma and Ouahigouya.

World Bank director of sustainable development for the Africa Region Jamal Saghir said, “With a 14 per cent electrification rate and an electricity demand increasing at a rate close to 10 per cent per year, it is necessary for Burkina Faso to complement regional programs by providing more power generation and securing energy supply in two cities with fast economic development.

“The scale-up of energy connections and the construction of new power plants will enhance the security and reliability of electricity supply, improve the country's overall economic growth and add to the everyday quality of life for thousands of people.”

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