
Local reviews of sustainable development progress in Africa published

Accra, Harare, Ngora District, Victoria Falls and Yaoundé, were supported by ECA. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Five African localities have published Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) of their frameworks and progress towards regional and global sustainable development goals

These VLRs, in Accra, Harare, Ngora District, Victoria Falls and Yaoundé, were supported by ECA and are among a first wave of local-level reviews undertaken across Africa, with many more on the way.

Sub-national governments and stakeholders play a pivotal role in the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Agenda 2063 of the African Union. Grassroots initiatives undertaken at the local level have been integral to responding to COVID-19, protecting the environment and ensuring inclusive development across Africa. 

These African VLRs have informed the production of African Regional Guidelines for VLRs. These guidelines are produced in partnership with UN-Habitat and United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-A) and will be published shortly for future reviews.

Meanwhile, ECA stands ready to work closely with them and a coalition of other partners to push the SDG localisation agenda forward.

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