China Sunlight Africa has entered an agreement with the Zimbabwean government to provide US$52mn towards the construction of the Gwayi-Shangani Dam in Matabeleland, north of Zimbabwe
Kenya Power injects US$32 million in government subsidised scheme
Kenya Power (KP) company is set to spend US$32mn to connect 8,000 new customers in a government subsidised scheme for low income households especially in rural areas across Kenya
IRENA and ADFD to provide funding for Sierra Leone solar project
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) will provide funds of US$9mn towards the development of a 6MW solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Freetown, Sierra Leone
Eaglestone advises on US$200 million gas-fired Mozambican power station
Investment bank Eaglestone has acted as the financial advisor to Gigawatt Mozambique on the 100MW gas-fired power station in Ressano Garcia
AfDB to finance redevelopment of Mauritian power plant
The African Development Bank has approved a loan of US$117mn to redevelop the Saint Louis Power Plant in Mauritius