
Construction of Buchanan Road in Liberia 'may suffer rain delay'

Construction of Caldwell Road. (Image source: Liberia Ministry of Public Works)

Liberias minister of public works, Samuel Kofi Woods, has warned that the construction of Buchanan Road may be delayed if the next wet season is early

Buchanan Road had been due for completion in June of this year, according to the Ministry of Public Works but, according to Liberia's Heritage newspaper, Woods has now said that completion and dedication of the road could be delayed if rain comes too early this year.

Woods added that the Camp Mechlin Bridge will definitely be completed by the May deadline.

“As you may be aware, there can’t be any road construction works when the rain is heavily pulling down," said Woods. "But with bridges construction can even go on when it rains."

Woods added that the construction of the Gbarnga-Ganta-Guinea border, construction of the Caldwell Bridge, the pavements of Voinjama Streets and Fish Town-Harper Highway were the other projects on the ministry's agenda between now and May.

The contract for the construction of the Gbarnga-Ganta-Guinea border will be signed in Ganta, Nimba County before the end of April, according to Woods, who added that the ministry has identified the construction contractors for the Caldwell Bridge, which will also begin construction this month.

The Caldwell Bridge is being funded by the Liberian government and the World Bank.

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