

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today agreed to invest £3.4 mn in
Nyota Minerals Ltd to support a gold exploration project that is expected
to provide jobs and government revenues to Ethiopia once the mine is

Nyota Minerals Ltd to support a gold exploration project that is expected
to provide jobs and government revenues to Ethiopia once the mine is

The World Bank has approved a US$50mn grant to the Democratic Republic of Congo to increase transparency and accountability in the mining sector so that the income from natural resources will be used for inclusive and sustainable growth.

p>The World Bank has approved a US$50mn grant to the Democratic Republic of Congo to increase transparency and accountability in the mining sector so that the income from natural resources will be used for inclusive and sustainable growth.

Tata Steel, the worlds seventh largest steel producer, expects coal production from its joint venture project in Mozambique to touch 5.3 million tonnes (MT) by 2011.

p>Tata Steel, the worlds seventh largest steel producer, expects coal production from its joint venture project in Mozambique to touch 5.3 million tonnes (MT) by 2011.

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved, in June 2010, a US$25mn equity investment in the second New Africa Mining Fund.

p>The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB) approved, in June 2010, a US$25mn equity investment in the second New Africa Mining Fund.

Kastan Mining Limited’s mining license applications have been approved by the Honorable William Ngeleja, Minister, Ministry of Energy and Minerals, covering approximately 70 square kilometres in the Kilosa District of Tanzania, an area rich in copper as well as gold, silver and other minerals.

p>Kastan Mining Limited’s mining license applications have been approved by the Honorable William Ngeleja, Minister, Ministry of Energy and Minerals, covering approximately 70 square kilometres in the Kilosa District of Tanzania, an area rich in copper as well as gold, silver and other minerals.

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