
Sandvik to supply equipment for South African platinum project

South African firm Sandvik Mining has been offered a contract by Royal Bafokeng Platinum to supply underground production trackless equipment for the Styldrift platinum project

The first phase of the project generated a single order in the last week of December 2012 for 83 machines comprised mostly of low-profile eight tonne LH208 LHDs, DD210-L drill rigs, and the fully-mechanised roofbolter DS210L-M.

Delivery of the machines will take place in 2014, but various other projects such as the apprenticeship training programme, community skill development programme and Sandvik-sponsored community day care project in the Boshoek area will benefit sooner.

Royal Bafokeng Platinum has hired a contractor to conduct the development work leading to the declines. The contractor has also been using the Sandvik DD210L drill rig to perform the development.

A Sandvik statement said that the company would like to acknowledge the early commitment shown by Royal Bafokeng Platinum, who it said was able to acknowledge the rewards for all stakeholders, including local communities. 

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