

Barbara Dischinger, founder and director of International Women in Mining (IWiM). (Image source: Mining Indaba)

Barbara Dischinger, founder and director of International Women in Mining (IWiM) talks about diversity, careers, challenges and IWiM ahead of the 25th Anniversary event of the 2019 Mining Indaba

South Africa is set to boost its energy sector for inclusive growth. (Image source: World Bank Photo Collection/Flickr)

The Portfolio Committee on Energy in South Africa has adopted its report on the draft Integrated Resource Plan (2018)

New standards provide public assurance on safety, security and ‘etiquette’ for use of drones. (Image source: Dennis Jarvis/Flickr)

International Standards Organisation (ISO) has published the international draft of ISO standards for drone operations to determine how to use drones safely and effectively in compliance with regulatory requirements

Thwake Multi-Purpose Development Programme (TMWDP) aims to provide drinking water, hydroelectric energy and irrigation. (Image source: Lock the Gate Alliance/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved two loans worth US$267 million to complete the construction of the Thwake Dam on the Thwake River in southern Kenya

Women will benefit from accountability and citizenship engagement initiatives such as social accountability, budget literacy and improved healthcare and water and sanitation services. (Image source: David Stanley/Flickr)

The board of directors of the African Development Fund (ADF), the concessional window of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group, has approved additional resources to Ethiopia’s Basic Services Transformation Programme (BSTP) in the form of a US$123mn grant

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