

A new Italian line of credit is set to benefit Tunisian companies; 73mn euros is earmarked for financing Tunisian and Italian SMEs with joint projects in industry, agribusiness and services.

p>A new Italian line of credit is set to benefit Tunisian companies; 73mn euros is earmarked for financing Tunisian and Italian SMEs with joint projects in industry, agribusiness and services.

International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical experts hhave been working with officials of the Bank of Botswana (BOB) and of the Nonbank Financial Regulatory Agency (NBFIRA) to improve the breadth and quality of data collected from the financial industry.

p>International Monetary Fund (IMF) statistical experts hhave been working with officials of the Bank of Botswana (BOB) and of the Nonbank Financial Regulatory Agency (NBFIRA) to improve the breadth and quality of data collected from the financial industry.

A new US$72mn project in Egypt will help small farmers maximise their efficiency in using scarce water resources and achieve significant increases in their crop production and incomes.

p>A new US$72mn project in Egypt will help small farmers maximise their efficiency in using scarce water resources and achieve significant increases in their crop production and incomes.

First National Bank (FNB) and PayPal customers in South Africa can now sell to PayPal’s global customer base of more than 81 million active accounts in 190 markets around the world and move the proceeds to their FNB accounts.

p>First National Bank (FNB) and PayPal customers in South Africa can now sell to PayPal’s global customer base of more than 81 million active accounts in 190 markets around the world and move the proceeds to their FNB accounts.

When plants become desiccated, tiny leaf pores collectively called stomata close to conserve water. Each stoma is flanked by a pair of ‘guard cells’, which change shape to open or close the central pore.

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