
Partnerships to pave way for solar technology in off-grid Kenyan communities

Solar energy provider BBOXX has partnered with Brighterlite Kenya and Rural Development Solutions (RuDeSo) in order to help it provide 2.5mn off-grid customers in Kenya with an on-grid experience by 2018

The partnerships will lead BBOXX to provide the technology, on-the-ground training and service support, while also enabling the company to extend its reach into what it described as "difficult-to-access markets".

A range of BBOXX products have now been made available to consumers in the targeted off-grid areas, with models BB5 through to BB17 currently on the market.

Anshul Patel, director of BBOXX Kenya, said, "At BBOXX, we do not enter into partnerships lightly. When we do, it's because we genuinely believe in the relationship’s positive impact on our end consumers.

"Both Brighterlite Kenya and RuDeSo embody BBOXX’s professionalism with the addition of local expertise. We all share the common goal to provide affordable, readily accessible electricity to as many Kenyans as possible."

According to BBOXX, the partnerships will benefit end consumers due to its local partners’ familiarity with local communities and their residents, which will enable them to build solid customer relationships and accurately assess their energy requirements.

BBOXX was founded in 2010 by three Electrical And Electronic Engineering graduates from Imperial College London and has claimed to have sold more than 15,000 clean energy unit to date.

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