
Power Generation

The Energy Intensive Users’ Group (EIUG) has raised concerns that the price path for electricity in South Africa may place consumers and business under even greater pressure in the next few years, since the first round of tariff hikes in 2010The Energy Intensive Users’ Group (EIUG) has raised concerns that the price path for electricity in South Africa may place consumers and business under even greater pressure in the next few years, since the first round of tariff hikes in 2010

ZESCO and ICBC have signed a $285mn credit facility to finance the construction of a 330 kV line and two substations in Eastern and Northern provinces

ZESCO, the Zambian power utility firm, and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) have signed a $285mn credit facility to finance the construction of a 330 kV line and two substations in Eastern and Northern provinces

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni says the power sector is going to be one of the key priority areas his government is going to address in the next five years

Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni says the power sector is going to be a key priority

ABB has won orders worth about $42mn from Sonelgaz (Socièté Nationale de lElectricité et du Gaz), the national power utility of Algeria, to build three new substations and upgrade four existing ones in the northern region of the countryABB has won orders worth about $42mn from Sonelgaz (Socièté Nationale de lElectricité et du Gaz), the national power utility of Algeria, to build three new substations and upgrade four existing ones in the northern region of the country

Eaton Corporation has introduced the latest version of its best-selling product, the Eaton Ellipse ECO

Eaton Corporation has introduced the latest version of its best-selling product, the Eaton Ellipse ECO

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