

The agreement will see an investment from ABB into Key DH Technologies Inc. (Image source: ABB)

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Inc. (HOI), a technology innovator unlocking green hydrogen production at scale, have signed an agreement to expand their existing strategic relationship

The AfDB project has connected thousands of households to the electricity grid in Burkina Faso. (Image source: AfDB)

The Burkina Faso Electrification Project for Semi-Urban Areas of Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso, supported by the African Development Fund, the concessional window of the African Development Bank (AfDB), has resulted in 32,449 new connections to the country’s electric power network

The new heavy fuel oil power plant has replaced the old facility. (Image source: Nordgold)

Nordgold Group, an internationally diversified gold producer, has launched a new 33MW power plant at its Lefa gold mine in Guinea

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