

Building Energy plans to develop two 50MW plants in Benban, Upper Egypt. (Image source: Activsolar/Flickr)

Italian independent power producer (IPP) Building Energy has signed an MoU with the New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) for two 50MW PV plants in Benban, Upper Egypt, making it the company’s first project in the North African nation

Power from the project will meet a fifth of Addus electricity needs. (Image source: Shaifu Hussain/Flickr)

The government of Maldives has secured financing of a US$6mn from the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) for a project that will generate energy from waste

AfDB has provided the Kenyan government funding for a 500 kV transmission line in the country. (Image source: Atlantis Images)

The Ethiopia Electric Power has signed a US$120mn contract with China Electric Power & Equipment Technology Company (CET) for the construction of the Ethiopia-Kenya Transmission line 

Liberia is in need of adequate power infrastructure, as the economy is recovering after Ebola struck the region last year. (Image source: SanjitBakshi/Flickr)

The World Bank has approved International Development Association (IDA)’s US$60mn credit that would help Liberia extend affordable electricity services to businesses and households

Eranoves subsidiary will build, develop, operate and finance the Kenié hydro-electric dam. (Image source: DonShall/Flickr)

Eranove has signed a 30-year concession agreement with the government of Mali to finance, develop, build and operate the Kenié hydroelectric dam

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