

The upcoming project will aim to reduce Guinea Bissau’s dependence on diesel. (Image source: DonShall/Flickr)

The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) has approved a US$965,000 grant to support the preparation of a turnkey hydropower plant in Saltinho, Guinea Bissau

Officials at MAN have identified vast opportunities for electricity generation in Nigeria. (Image source: RudolfVleck/Flickr)

Germany’s MAN Diesel & Turbo is planning to diversify its interests in Nigeria’s electricity market, following the opening of a sales division in Lagos

Sub-Saharan Africa has abundance of clean energy resources, making it a highly preferred location to execute cost-effective projects. (Image source: JustinElliott/Flickr)

A high potential in renewable energy development, coupled with cost-effectiveness in project development has placed regions like the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa among others as preferred locations to set up clean energy projects

The East African region has potential for cable manufacturers to enhance their business interests. (Image source: AndreRobertoDoreotSantos/Flickr)

Sri Lanka’s Sierra Cables has decided to open a cable manufacturing company in Kenya to promote power generation projects in East Africa 

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